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Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubator for Culinary Teachers at SMKN 6 Yogyakarta
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On March 13 and 20, 2021, Culinary Arts UNY organized a Community Service, PPM, at SMKN 6 Yogyakarta. Sri Palupi presided over this PPM. Four professors, Dr. Dra. Badraningsih Lastariwati, M.Kes; Tri Murhanjati Sholihah, M.Pd. ; Dr. Ir. Sugijono, M.Kes; Dr. Siti Hamidah, M.Pd., and two students, Tika Nur Affrimawati and Latifah, make up this group. This activity's participants are successful culinary teachers at SMK N 6 Yogyakarta. The PPM stated various things, including:
On March 13 and 20, 2021, Culinary UNY organized a Community Service, PPM, at SMKN 6 Yogyakarta. This PPM was chaired by Sri Palupi. Four lecturers, Dr. Dra. Badraningsih Lastariwati, M.Kes; Tri Murhanjati Sholihah, M.Pd. ; Dr. Ir. Sugijono, M.Kes; Dr. Siti Hamidah, M.Pd., and two students, Tika Nur Affrimawati and Latifah, help up this group.. The participants of this activity are productive culinary teachers at SMK N 6 Yogyakarta. The PPM conveyed several things, such as:
Knowledge and insight on entrepreneurial innovation;
Provision of product innovation knowledge and skills as a mentor or facilitator in culinary entrepreneurship;
Knowledge and skills about packaging, attractive design, and packaging of dishes by the criteria and conditions of sanitation and hygiene;
Calculateion of mark-up and Break Event Point (BEP) production.
This activity carried a beneficial output for teachers of SMK N 6 Yogyakarta. This activity has increased participants' knowledge and insight about thematic approaches in entrepreneurial creativity and innovation, business incubator development, sanitation hygiene, packaging, and marketing in the digital era. In addition, participants' skills in making mixed rice, various typical Keraton dishes, various contemporary preparations, and rujak have also increased. Participants also have knowledge and skills about packaging, attractive designs, and packaged dishes that comply with sanitation and hygiene criteria and conditions. Participants can calculate production mark-up and Break Event Point (BEP) correctly. So that they can serve and package food by the criteria and requirements of sanitation and hygiene. (awp)
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