Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Bahasa Indonesia
Culinary UNY carried out PPM (community dedication and social projects). PPM activities were carried out by Culinary UNY, one of which was packaging training at Kapanewon Purwosari, Gunungkidul Regency, on Monday, September 13, 2021. This PPM activity collaborated with one of the business groups in Kapanewon Purwosari, namely Ngules (Ngudi Lestari), chaired by Mrs. Erni Susilowati.
Purwosari is one of the Kapanewon in Gunungkidul, which has a variety of regional specialties. Various special foods are scattered in every village in the Kapanewon Purwosari area. This local product of Kapanewon Purwosari has a distinctive taste and respects the existence of local food. local food products found in Kapanewon Purwosari such as fish paste, peyek, sticky rice tape, melinjo chips, hump criping, cucur, tela crispy, cassava leaf crispy, gethuk benguk, coconut kethak, coconut oil, and others spread throughout the village. However, the packaging of the local food of Kapanewon Purwosari is still lacking. Therefore, products with good quality and taste are less attractive to the market and less competitive to show the uniqueness of these foods.
Efforts that can be made to strengthen local and local food products are to improve the product's appearance so that it is attractive. The PPM was chaired by Dr. Ichda Chayati, MP. This team consists of two lecturers, Dr. Nani Ratnaningsih, M.P and Arum Widyastuti Perdani M.Sc., and two students, Noer Ai'nni Hasanah and Aqsha Dinda Pradana).
The training was opened by Panewu Purwosari, Purwono, M.Sc. The event continued with the presentation of the material. The first material was presented by Dr. Nani Ratnaningsih, M.P., regarding Food Packaging and Labelling. The second material was delivered by Dr. Ichda Chayati, M.P., regarding the determination of the selling price third material was given by Arum Widyastuti Perdani, M.Sc. regarding Local Food Marketing Strategy. After the presentation of the material, it was followed by a packaging workshop which included making labels, pasting labels, and the packaging process using a sealer. Next, take a quiz to find out the depth of understanding about product packaging and marketing. At the end of the event, it was closed by handing over the sealer machine to the Ngules business group, Erni Susilowati. Erni hopes that the PPM UNY activities can continue to cooperate with Kapanewon Purwosari because this activity is beneficial, especially in increasing knowledge and added value to local food products. (awp)
Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
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